Monday, April 27, 2009

Dental insurance?

i am 19 years old...going to be 20 in may, i guess i am not eliglible any more for dental insurance from my father because i am over 18. (my father have SIDS--self insured dental services)i am a student within the CUNY system and was wondering what dental insurance can i obtain?

Dental insurance?
Are you sure you're not eligible under your father's plan? Generally speaking, you are covered under the age of 18 or up to 24 if you are full time student. See if this applies to to terms of his plan. If not, you may be better off paying the full shot to the dentist. Independent dental plans are expensive and frequently cost more than just paying directly for the services.
Reply:As previously suggested, do verify the coverage from your father's policy based on the fact you are still a student. If the coverage is not there and depending on the severity or immediacy of the dental work you need, look for a dental school in your area. They usually offer discounted services if you are seen by a resident dentist who is supervised by a licensed dentist.

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